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 Asunto: testing bicycle helmets at home
NotaPublicado: Jue Abr 05, 2012 3:12 pm 

Registrado: Jue Abr 05, 2012 3:12 pm
Mensajes: 1
Ubicación: Uruguay
Bell Volt Helmets.Now Only: $219.The same model helmet Cadel Evans used in his recent Tour de France victory..Features:.1. Adjustable and removable Variable Position Visor, Plugs are provided for a clean look when visor is removed.2. Available in three sizes to suit all riders.3. Meets AS/NZS 2063 certification (Australian Standard Certification).4. Fusion™ In-Mold Microshell bonds EPS foam to shell for durability.5. CFI™ composite construction directs airflow and reinforces helmet.6. TAG™ Fit System allows riders to both dial in the exact fit in two directions.7. VPV™ Visor is adjustable and removable for on- or off-road use.8. Thermodynamic X-Static™ Padding is quick-drying and anti-microbial.9. Internal Reinforcement cage fortifies helmet like rebar in concrete.10. StreamJet Ventilation™ internal airflow channels for maximum ventilation.11. Cam-lock™ Levers for easy strap adjustments.12. Registered Graphics for stunning visual appeal.13. 22 Large Air Vents.14. Weight: 294 grams (small).For more information, please visit: http://www.bikes.com.au/p/827085/bell-v ... .....Stock is Limited!.

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