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Asunto: Woman's World Publicado: Jue Oct 04, 2012 12:08 pm |
Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 4:01 am Mensajes: 2 Ubicación: United States
锘緾ompany Has History Of Violation And Recalls Food borne illness has been in the media's spotlight for some time now- starting with a fatal outbreak in Europe that stemmed from tainted sprouts to the more recent problems caused by cantaloupes that has claimed dozens of lives in the US. Each report about food sicknesses or product recall understandably kicks off worries about the safety of food supplies in the country. All of the sick children recovered and their issues were described as mild but Snokist voluntarily recalled over three thousand cases of canned applesauce. That inspection turned up several large, unsealed bags of fruit products many that were bloated and had a strong fermented odor about them. The bags, which are supposed to be sealed and kept sterile were broken open. The FDA has found that more than eight instances in which Snokist reworked its fruit products, reprocessing the molded sauce into foods that were meant for human consumption. The latest inspection has revealed that the company has so far only implemented two of those suggestions. Snokist has participated in the Federal Nutrition Program which is implemented by the USDA but is currently not listed as one of that program's suppliers.
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