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 Asunto: desktop computers
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 8:22 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 11:38 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: US
Hello everybody, and forgive me for this being my first post here; but I am DESPERATE. I kind of trolled around but I am just confused as to what your reccomendations are here on how to correct my certain problem.
Now here's the issue. RANDOMLY, my PC stopped showing the drive. I went to listen to music and it didn't play, and that's when I noticed the issue. I unplugged the AC power cord from the HD, then plugged it back in. My PC searched for it, then gave me a message about having to format the HD in order to access it. Now if I do that, I know I am going to lose EVERYTHING! I have my entire music collection and 6+ years of pictures on here, as well as schoolwork. I can't just delete it!
锘縃elp with trying to access an older AcomData external HD please
I tried it on my laptop that runs Windows Vista. I plugged it in, the device was recognized as drive (G:) Local Disk. When I try to open the drive under My Computer, the computer thinks long and hard about it then says "G:\ is not accessible. The parameter is incorrect." so I just hit OK and that's that.
Also, I highly doubt this is a virus. I am on a secured network at my own home, and I have anti-virus software as well as a good Firewall. I'm not saying I'm untouchable.
I have an 80GB AcomData external HD that I bought sometime in 2004 when I worked at Best Buy (with a spectacular discount). This thing has not failed me until now. The sticker said this was manufactured March 2004.
How do I get past this?? Should I run a computer in safe mode? Is there a program to bypass this? I was a computer programming major in college 7 years ago, and changed to a medical related field 5 years ago. I am way behind the times. ANY help is appreciated! I picked up a new Western Digital 750GB USB external HD today since I read good reviews online for PC users and am ready to hopefully transfer all of my files.
I tried contacting AcomData, but I have yet to get a response. There was no damage caused to the drive. It is plugged in, runs, you can hear it "winding up" as the green light will flash red randomly. All of the wires are in-tact, damage-free. The drive has always been turned off when not in use. I originally had PC's with Windows XP, until I bought my current PC in 2009 that has Windows 7.

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