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 Asunto: binding letter of intent
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 9:26 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 10:16 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: US
In reality, plenty of frequent visitors may are aware that we have reviews on another Chinese wholesale company called DHgate, a extremely popular wholesale marketplace for eBay seller. when you make deals in DHgate, you are making business with its sellers. BangGood is a merchant. It means you are doing business directly with them. You can complaint directly without any 3rd party handling and transferring. I also had enquired about their souring and logistics process. It seems that they have their own warehouse and they will check the products before they send them out.
Unlike other merchants, BangGood does not allow explicitly customers to select a specific courier, and commonly they will use EMS, DHL, UPS or TNT depending on what suits best to the order.
锘緽angGood Review Do not Use BangGood Before Read This
Products are sourced from manufacturers, and are only included into the catalogue after a quality assurance process.
How about the products ? Especially the iPhone ?
what they sell ? When I make deals with them, am I deal with an unknown seller ?
Lots of people will noticed lots of iPhone listed on BangGood. In fact, I think that it is only to attract your eyes. They are made of cheap microchips from Taiwan but all the functions are just a little slow working than the authentic iphone. But just like other China wholesaler, you should never expect that the brand items are direct from its OEM factories.
No matter what quantity about your order, so all products are suitable for both resellers seeking to enhance margins or individuals that want to save some money on their shopping. If things go really bad, you could escalate to your Credit Card company and claim for a charge-back.

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