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 Asunto: and what have you
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 12:11 pm 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 1:04 pm
Mensajes: 1
Ubicación: United States
I dont know the legals on this, but if the child has not been born yet, there might be something you can do with the birth certificate. like put your name instead of hers, you might also want to talk to a lawyer on that and find out if it is legal.
锘縣ow much would it cost for your sister to adopt your baby
And remember just because the mom says yes, doesnt mean the dad does. If he is not in the picture or wont sign over his rights this could cost you more and maybe even prevent it from happening. Ussually though it is easy to deal with an absent parent as long as they stay absent. In most cases you can post in the local news paper of the town the adoption is going to take place in or the last known town the parent lived in. It must be posted for a period of time m(Im not sure on the time). And then if the absent parent does not respond then things can go forward. But if the other parent does not want the adoption to happen then there will be a fight. First that other parent will need to have a judment against them, for reasons of why they cant or wont parent the child. If there is good enough cause for them to not get the child then DHS will say they are unfit to parent. But if There is not a good reason why they shouldnt get the child, then they will have rights to that child. So be careful, this could bring up some unwanted things.
The lawyer will be your big fee. A year ago we adopted our foster boy in Oregon. We didnbt have to pay for anything because he was a foster child, but we did see the paper work, Im thinking it was around two thousand, but the state did get a discount. A friend of mine just adopted her great grandchild here in Oregon and it cost her three thousand, but in this case they were dealing with a bio father from Mexico who wouldnt sign papers, so it cost a little more.
All adoptions must go through DHS, they have to aprove it. So if the childs mother is living in the home, they must be a safe person. If they aree abusive DHS will not allow the adoption. Also you must be a safe person. You dont have to have a perfect record though. For the time being (if you havent already done this) I would go to a local paper office store where you can get legal documents and get a document for legal gaurdianship. Both of you will need to sign it and have it filed at the court house. I wouldnt sign it until you at the court house, because it might need to be signed in front of someone. It shouldnt cost very much for th paper, maybe five bucks or so. But the filing will also cost you. You can call ahead and find out how much it cost to file. It could be around $50, Im not really sure. Ask the clerk about having to post the paper in a public place, this might be something you have to do.
If you think that making the wanted adoiption public will stir up the dad and make a mess out of things, then I would think twice about it and maybe just go for gaurdianship. If the dad has been absent for years and its his fault he has not been in the picture, like he cant prove that the mom kept him away, then i would go for it. because it would be considered as abandonment. But your lawyer will or at least should know all of this.
And my husband and I asked the lawyer who did the adoption for our foster child what it would cost for my husband to adopt my oldest son with the bio dads consent. He told us we would get a cliant discount because we already used him from before and he said it would cost us around one thousand to two thousand depending on the bio father.

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