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 Asunto: pool water heat exchanger
NotaPublicado: Vie Mar 09, 2012 10:54 am 

Registrado: Vie Mar 09, 2012 10:53 am
Mensajes: 1
Ubicación: Eritrea
Note that in our case the recirculation loop has no pump at all - - the water just thermosyphons through the loop. The loop originally had a pump that ran 24/7, which I removed when we moved in. Had I left the pump in, and running 24/7, the electricity consumption would have been 745 KWH per year. For the 8 years we have been here, this is nearly 6, 000 KWH worth 600 at our electric rates. In addition, 12, 000 lbs of CO2 would have emitted.
It relates more particularly to a novel type of electric boiler making it possible to ensure production of hot water, for example when it is desired to produce hot water for domestic use circulation of water in an open circuit, or forinstallations for heating water circulating in closed circuit industrial heating, domestic heating, etc.

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