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 Asunto: Renewable Resources Of Electricity - The energy of the futur
NotaPublicado: Jue May 31, 2012 9:02 pm 

Registrado: Jue Mar 22, 2012 9:33 pm
Mensajes: 3
Ubicación: Barbados
The Popular Matter : Describe all of the renewable energy alternatives: wind power, solar energy, and biomass fermentation?</br>Best Response : o What are some challenges with using and managing wind power, solar energy, and biomass fermentation as alternative renewableenergy resources?o Name at least one other renewable energy resource.o Include a response to the following: Nonrenewable energy resources include coal,oil, and natural gas. Describe three common challenges with managingnonrenewable energy resources.
A Popular Question : Are you willing to pay an extra $5k a year in energy costs to save the planet?</br>Best Response : This is not a joke. This is precisely what California wants to do. Of course, they will subsidize the welfare class, but the middle class and up will have to pay higher energy prices. And that's because the taxpayers have to subsidize the investments in green energy. And now that 20% of vehicles must be electric in 10 years, that puts a heavy stress on electricity, so electricity rates will soar.And by the way, Nuclear is off the table, oil drill is off the table as well.Couldn't there be a balanced solution? Even heroin addicts don't quit cold turkey.

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