
Todo Sobre Fotos de León
Fecha actual Vie Mar 07, 2025 3:51 am

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 Asunto: Solar Powered Roofing - The energy of the future
NotaPublicado: Sab Jun 02, 2012 7:35 am 

Registrado: Jue Mar 22, 2012 9:33 pm
Mensajes: 3
Ubicación: Barbados
: Why isnt using biofuel on planes a good plan? People say it wont work?</br>The Best Answer : It would work, it's just you'd need a lot of it. Something like 30 soccer pitches worth of corn for one mid-atlantic flight. And as corn only grows once a year that's a year's worth of corn from that area.Biofuels in general are a bad idea: they may be slightly better for the environment, but not much. They still pollute. We need to start moving to alternative fuels.Biofuels are also made of corn, which is a food product in large supply. By using it as a fuel source as well it's pushing up the price of corn (and bread etc.). More recently this has caused problems for the rice market as prices have soared as people worry that people will move from corn to rice.We need to stop relying on oil, be it from the ground or from crops.
The Popular Question : Do you agree with the BNP?</br>The Best Answer : I agree with them about 50%Heres some things from their policies.Overcrowding in prisons will be solved by the deportation of the tens of thousands of foreign criminals to serve their sentences abroad in their home countries. This act alone will free up to 70 percent of jail space in many prisonsThe reversal of the programme to close special needs schools which penalises the most vulnerableThe teaching of old-fashioned mathematics skills which have practical application to everyday lifeInvest sufficient money in the NHS to provide a decent service to the British peopleThe elimination of the unhealthy, energy intensive and cruel factory farming of livestockDevelop alternative transport fuels such as bio-diesel and hydrogenDevelop renewable energy sources such as off-shore wind farms, wave, tidal and solar energy

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