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Asunto: sniipest video in search results Publicado: Lun Sep 03, 2012 2:43 pm |
Registrado: Dom Sep 02, 2012 11:33 am Mensajes: 1 Ubicación: Ukraine
Hi, Small Businesses looking to improve their search results usually don’t think of video first. But Google is “blending” videos in with the traditional search results more and more, and this represents a huge area of opportunity. A question is - how video has impacted the search results? Is it better to use youtube content delivery or other network? Will you index both my video permalink pages and the videos themselves? Will links point back to my site, or will they drive traffic to pages hosted by the video platform provider? How often will feeds be updated? In which search engines will my results appear? How will I be able to track click-through and ROI?
If you are using video, let me know how it is working for you in the comments below.
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