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 Asunto: Cheap Price LEGO Police Station 7498 Best Buy
NotaPublicado: Jue Oct 04, 2012 12:23 pm 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 4:16 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: United States
锘縀lectronic Symphony Review
Here is a review of Lumines that I recently posted on my blogLumines: Electronic Symphony is one of the most addictive games on the Vita so far. Its even one of the best Lumines games and it brings great visuals, music, and some good minor changes to the gameplay. You can move these blocks by using the buttons or by using the touchscreen. The blocks don disappear until they are hit by a vertical line that moves across the screen at different speeds. The speed of the line depends on the music in the background. You lose when you run out of space to drop blocks into. If you have played any Lumines games before you will notice that the gameplay in Electronic Symphony is the same as the gameplay in other Lumines games. However Electronic Symphony does add some new features. There is a chain block that will clear blocks of the same color that are connected to each other. There is also a shuffle block that will randomize the color of each block. Also equipping avatars will give you different perks such as the ability to randomize the blocks when you want to. Voyage is sort of a campaign mode. In it you will play through many levels (that are known as skins) that feature their own music and visual themes. The skins have a big impact on the gameplay. In one skin the vertical line may move quickly but the blocks fall faster making it easier for you to score higher combos but also making it easier to run out of space and lose because the slow line did not clear the blocks that you matched up in time. In another skin the vertical line may move quickly but the blocks will drop slowly. Clearing a skin in Voyage will unlock the skin in free play mode. This game also has a Master mode in which you must clear a certain amount of blocks without losing. There are five levels in Master mode. In timed modes you much clear as many blocks as you can within a short amount of time. There is also a duel mode in this game but unlike other Lumines games in Electronic Symphony you must use ad hoc to face an opponent. There are no AI opponents in Electronic Symphony. In duel mode the screen is divided in half by a vertical line at the start of the game, and it moves to the playing area of the player who is losing. Like single player mode, you lose when you have no more room to drop blocks anymore. In duel mode you can use the new abilities in the game to mess up your opponent. Even if your not a fan of this type of music, you will probably still enjoy the soundtrack. Each skin has its own music and visual themes. The visual themes look great and the graphics are great as well. This game looks great on the Vita OLED screen. The scoreboards in the game will have you competing with your friends for the highest score. However the main problem I have with the game is the lasting appeal. There aren many game modes. The puzzle mode that is in other Lumines games is not in Electronic Symphony. Also in Voyage mode you play the same skins in the same order every time. Also Voyage mode is long and you can save your place when your ready to play something else. Instead you must start all of over when you play the game again. This annoying because you must play Voyage for a long amount of time to get a fairly high score. Master mode and timed modes don take long to complete at all. I also wish that I could play duel mode more but I rarely have a partner to play with over ad hoc. The game needs more content, especially because its priced at $40 (or $35.99 on the PSN). It is very addicting and fun but lacks content for its price. If you like puzzle games and music then you will love this game.

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