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Fecha actual Vie Mar 07, 2025 4:08 am

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 Asunto: Becoming an in House Lawyer
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 4:37 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 5:41 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: USA
锘緿ell Dimension 4550 Upgrades
In conclusion, with the amount of ram, new hard drive, power supply, video card, and the CPU I listed above, would my system be adequate to run most games and general programs smoothly? Could you give me a feel for how my system would run overall? Thanks again, you guys have been very prompt and helpfull with this.
I managed to find this CPU on ebay. I believe this is what I am looking for?
Yes that's the one, you will need to flash the bios to the latest available from the Dell site before removing the current CPU, it is not very difficult to do getting to the CPU in a Dell is half the battle and you will need to clean off the old thermal paste/pad from the bottom of the heatsink with the highest percentage alcohol(90%) you can find at the local drug store. I use a coffee filter saturated with it to wipe it off.
I have a Dell Dimension 4550 and am looking to futher upgrade it to suite my gaming/computing needs. I know that this is a very old platform to be putting money into, however I already have some money into this computer and would like to work with what I have at this point. I am looking to purchase a motherboard, cpu, and a hard drive that would be compatible with the upgrades I have already. I would like to be able to run WoW, CSS and other games smoothly. I do not need a very large hard drive, 100 gigs would be enough for me. My budget is slightly limited but I will entertain all suggestions. XP SP2 SP3 have really raised the overhead on the system, I have an old 2.6 system we use for a single program with a printer hooked up no antivirus software and no internet connection and XP SP1 on 256 of ram it runs almost 2x times faster then it's almost twin with a 2.8 P4 1 gig of ram and SP3 and antivirus software with a internet connection on the same software.
Thank you both for all the great info. I think for the time being I will continue using this power supply until I am ready for a new computer/mobo. It seems that any large upgrades will require more money than I am willing to spend at the moment.
Also, would someone with a basic knowledge of computers and installing parts be able to install the processor on my own? Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to do this?

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