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 Asunto: Use Price Level to Make Your Offerings More Appealing in Non
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 7:40 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 8:43 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: USA
锘緼pple MacBook Air MC968LL
The key feature the MacBook Air has that the other MacBook Pros lack is a 64 GB solid-state disk drive. That's right, the MacBook Pro uses a solid-state disk drive so that startup is instant and reading and writing to disk is just as quick. The 64 GB solid-state drive should be have more than enough storage space so that, unless one is storing huge video files on the machine, one will have more than enough time before one has to purchase an external hard disk drive to back up the solid-state drive.
The MC968LL/A uses a 1.6 GHz Intel Core I5 dual-core processor and since it also runs the latest version of Apple's operating system OS 10.7X (Lion), it should be able to multi-thread and multi-task easily. The MC968LL/A comes with 2 GB of memory installed that is upgradeable to 4 GB and uses the capable Intel 3000 graphics chipset.
The Apple MacBook Air MC968LL/A features all of the upgrades that Apple has included in its MacBook Pro 13.3-inch laptop and its MacBook Pro 15.6-inch laptop, such as the ultra-speed bi-directional Thunderbolt data/video connector and its daisy-chaining ability. It supports the DisplayPort video interface that allows one to interface various video devices such as high-definition monitors or, with the proper adapter, a standard VGA display.
It also features the latest Bluetooth technology at 4.0 so one can use Bluetooth devices with it, as well as Thunderbolt daisy-chained devices. Bluetooth more than lends itself the MC968LL/A as the laptop/netbook actually can operate independent of a network for up to 5 hours on its battery. It pays to carry a spare charger, however, for most needs, the 5 hours should be enough.
Really, though, given its screen sized and its network-centric orientation through its support of WiFi standards 802.11 a/b/g/n, the small-screened MacBook MC968LL/A is really more suited as the step between a tablet and a full-featured laptop. It also supports two mini-USB ports through which one can interface a wired Ethernet connection with the proper adapter.
Small, the 11.6-inch diagonal display supports up to 2560 by 1600 resolution, making this an obvious candidate for use with 3D applications. Apple certainly gets its money's worth out of the Thunderbolt port in a device that is only 11.8 by 7.56 by.68 inches and which weights 2.38 pounds.
Like other MacBooks, Apple has eliminated the buttons that most trackpads have included and has expanded the size of the trackpad, as well as its capability.

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