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 Asunto: Online auction business model
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 8:03 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 9:03 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: USA
Show your logo on each and every page to give a better chance to further brand your product, service or company.
Put up a about us page and upload a personal photo of yourself.
Use shorter headlines or calls to action on every page if possible.
multiple visits they are looking for the same navigation points, and if they can't find them where they were at their previous visits, they get confused and leave.
Approximately a decade has passed by since the birth of Internet commerce and online service users and shoppers have grown up.
With nifty little audio tools now you can create a short audio greeting and put it up to your web site. The human voice will significantly build more credibility ands help to turn visitors into buyers.
Online commerce is a faceless process. People still pretty reluctant to pull out their credit card and give you a buck or two. You need to ease their reluctance as much as you can.
Use taglines all the way through on your pages to brand your site and highlight your unique selling proposition.
Headlines will make your visitors read further down your copy.
4. Headlines, taglines, logos : Brand It!
Stay away from image heavy design, use text navigation and if your sales copy or page happens to be too long, break down your pages into small tables. This will significantly speed up your web pages loading time.
Nowadays lots of sites offer beautifully designed web page templates. They can be easily modified,handled and tailored to your needs.
Use the same colour scheme all the way through your pages. Try to match colours and design your pages simply but tastefully. If you are not a designer type, don't be shy to ask for help or to purchase a simple pre-designed template.
Collect testimonials from your previous customers and put up the best ones to you web pages. New visitors will see that you have been in business for a long time and made dozens even hundreds of people happy with your products or services.
5. Personal photos, addresses, phone numbers: Build Credibility!
They know what they're looking for, they know where to get it from and they grab it in an instant. They're in and out of your virtual shop in a second. Consistency in layout and navigation
锘? Crucial Elements of Visitor Friendly Websites
That will definitely build instant credibility.
Whenever you receive a customer enquiry via email answer as fast as you can. Fast prompt enquiries will convert to sales very soon and will separate you from the lousy pack.
The easiest and fastest way is to put your company address and phone number onto each and every page. That would immediately show that they're dealing with a real company or person.
According to multiple online surveys visitors prefer sites where pages have a white background, and the colour text is black. Consistency in navigation is a must.
6. Audio greetings and customer testimonials.
7 Crucial Elements of Visitor Friendly Websites
People get used to the navigation system on your web page very easily. During their

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