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Fecha actual Mar Mar 11, 2025 12:20 pm

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Autor Mensaje
 Asunto: Supplier of wood pellets to Europe
NotaPublicado: Mar Ene 08, 2013 7:51 pm 

Registrado: Mar Ene 08, 2013 7:50 pm
Mensajes: 2
Our Ukrainian company is a manufacturer and supplier of wood pellets to Europe. Interested in long-term cooperation with European companies. We have all the necessary documents for the shipment from Ukraine.
Quality certificates available.
  Wood pellets Din / DIN +.
Raw material: pine bark.
Terms of delivery: FCA, DDU.
Diameter: 6-8mm
Ash: 0.5%
Humidity: up to 6%
Packaging: 15 kg Bag 500-1000kg
Certificate of quality: available
Scope of supply: 500Ton per month.
3. Pellets from sunflower husk
Diameter: 8mm-
Moisture - not more than 10%
Ash - 2.45%
Sulphur - 0.3%
Heat of combustion:
20.3 - the highest -MDzh/kg
17 - lower -MDzh/kg
Price: FCA, DDU negotiated
Email: pellets.europe.ua @ gmail.com
Skype: pellets.europe.ua
Tel /  +38093 9006153

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