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 Asunto: How to larger in history and trivial in a more sui generis d
NotaPublicado: Dom Ago 26, 2012 3:35 pm 

Registrado: Mié Ago 22, 2012 11:35 pm
Mensajes: 3
Ubicación: United States
History used to become my favorite channel for more than 10 years undoubtedly. But in the last few years, all they have are usually stupid & ridiculous certainty shows about rednecks & hillbillies. Where' s the history because? I used to for instance their shows about globe war history, Ufo history, history of earth & planets and the stars but now all the thing is that are bunch of rednecks & hillbilly losers. Because people are so retarded lately they actually like that kind of crap. Why isn't History Route running more shows with regards to history - and My spouse and i don't just mean WW2! Yeah, lots of interesting stuff there but there's also a large number of documentaries about other significant names in history apart from that German guy. Heck, James Burke made about 5 to 6 series about the history of science and technology. Why can't they operate those? Instead, why is Top Gear US around the History Channel? It's the perfect demonstrate for Spike... except for the news that Spike now shows 30 minute infomercials during their particular programs (no, seriously!)And honestly, CMT running shows similar to "Redneck Millionaire" strikes me rather like BET running older movies of people inside blackface. It seems downright insulting for your intended audience - or am I missing this point? You tell me immediately after watching some half-naked hick walking about a harp player from the lobby of a extravagant hotel and drawling "Do yew learn ANY country music? " Yeah, great way to play around those stereotypes! Am I supposed to become amused by the stereotype of the harpist or the stereotype in the hick? Or both? People like to see people that are most often on a lower scale of society they'll likely are on, so they can chuckle an make fun of them. The real strange thing is! The popularity of videos about machines being aliens, and transforming into one thing real. On cable there are three to four of the old type shows about real record and real things.

 Asunto: How determination olden days depict the right party for its
NotaPublicado: Dom Ago 26, 2012 3:37 pm 

Registrado: Mié Ago 22, 2012 11:35 pm
Mensajes: 3
Ubicación: United States
First, there was no public education for the reason that era. The vast majority regarding people got no education and learning, including learning to read and write. For those few whom were educated, most instruction was around Latin. They learned to read and write it, and learned history from your Bible, as well as learning lives of saints. Some had knowledge connected with Greek and Roman beautiful writing and literature, but such knowledge might have been very unusual prior to a Renaissance. Students of certain subjects just like medicine, law, astronomy, rhetoric, and mathematics were usually trained inside Greek and Roman works strongly related their specialties. There was no this kind of subject then. The vast majority of people were illiterate. The upper class men might have been taught by non-public tutors. The focus was instructing the Greek and Roman classics such as Homer, Euclid the Odyssey and so forth . Your question makes very little sense "the history on the history of it"Now to include a little. Medieval europe was not one of the most advanced of places subsequently. There were not sound international or national boundaries therefore much time and effort was spent defending &/or using new land. As a lot associated with highly trained soldiers were needed, the usual path for any sons of the gentry was to become sent off to another castle to get schooled in the art of war from the lord of the manor along with other lads. This started at concerning age 12-13 and lasted until they earned knighthood from about 18-20. The other option intended for men was the priesthood. As for universities the primary known were Muslim educational institutions in Tunis 732 and also Fez 859. These are in Africa. The first european kinds were five hundred years later within the 12th and 12th centuries..

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