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Asunto: Do you like or hate Windows 8? Publicado: Mié Ago 29, 2012 5:23 pm |
Registrado: Lun Ago 27, 2012 8:35 pm Mensajes: 1 Ubicación: Canada
My personal thoughts on Windows 8 are quite negative and I am not a fan of the direction Microsoft is taking. The Release Preview feels as if Microsoft has ignored most of the negative feedback and keeps pushing for their vision. The improved desktop elements such as explorer & task manager are a great improvement however for a home or work desktop, the metro start-screen IMO is not suitable. My reason for this is the lack of customizatiion it has. Users such as me have become familiar with the start menu and have watched it evolve for years. Tablets should use metro, desktops should use the typical start menu.
_________________ of Weir
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