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 Asunto: In each season
NotaPublicado: Vie Oct 05, 2012 5:10 am 

Registrado: Mié Oct 03, 2012 6:17 am
Mensajes: 2
Ubicación: United States
锘縁reelance Writer Profile beconrad
Unique License means buying the right to use the content exclusively. Content offered for Unique Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. However, you are somewhat restricted in how you use the content because the writer retains certain rights. You must keep the article in its original form without adding or deleting words. You must give credit to the writer by including the writer`s byline (if provided). You may use the article multiple times if you like for your own websites or publications but you must not sell or give the content away.'>
Buy Unique $80
Full Rights License gives you total control and rights to use the content. Content offered for Full Rights Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. You may change, rewrite, add and delete portions of the content (but you should remove the writer`s byline if you do).
Unique License means buying the right to use the content exclusively. Content offered for Unique Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. However, you are somewhat restricted in how you use the content because the writer retains certain rights. You must keep the article in its original form without adding or deleting words. You must give credit to the writer by including the writer`s byline (if provided). You may use the article multiple times if you like for your own websites or publications but you must not sell or give the content away.'>
Unique License means buying the right to use the content exclusively. Content offered for Unique Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. However, you are somewhat restricted in how you use the content because the writer retains certain rights. You must keep the article in its original form without adding or deleting words. You must give credit to the writer by including the writer`s byline (if provided). You may use the article multiple times if you like for your own websites or publications but you must not sell or give the content away.'>
Buy Full $100
Buy Unique $40
Full Rights License gives you total control and rights to use the content. Content offered for Full Rights Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. You may change, rewrite, add and delete portions of the content (but you should remove the writer`s byline if you do). You may also resell the content, give it away, post it on websites you do not own, and even name yourself as the author.'>
Buy Unique $80
Buy Full $100
Unique License means buying the right to use the content exclusively. Content offered for Unique Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. However, you are somewhat restricted in how you use the content because the writer retains certain rights. You must keep the article in its original form without adding or deleting words. You must give credit to the writer by including the writer`s byline (if provided). You may use the article multiple times if you like for your own websites or publications but you must not sell or give the content away.'>
Full Rights License gives you total control and rights to use the content. Content offered for Full Rights Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. You may change, rewrite, add and delete portions of the content (but you should remove the writer`s byline if you do). You may also resell the content, give it away, post it on websites you do not own, and even name yourself as the author.'>
Full Rights License gives you total control and rights to use the content. Content offered for Full Rights Purchase has not been used anywhere before and the author and Constant Content will never sell it again. You may change, rewrite, add and delete portions of the content (but you should remove the writer`s byline if you do). You may also resell the content, give it away, post it on websites you do not own, and even name yourself as the author.'>

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